Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer, S.C.
Attorney Sarah “Sally” Fry Bruch is a senior counsel and litigating attorney with the law firm Matthiesen Wickert & Lehrer, S.C. (MWL). She focuses on complex defense litigation and property and casualty, workers’ compensation, and automobile subrogation cases throughout Wisconsin and across the country. Sally is also experienced in complex property, personal injury, product liability, toxic tort, and municipal immunity and tort law having defended numerous Wisconsin government entities.
Sally has almost three decades of experience that includes preparation and trial of cases in both state and federal court. She believes strongly in preparation to produce a quality written product and argument, that persuasively communicates the law and the facts, and creates a record in favor of the client’s position. She is counsel of record on several significant appellate decisions and is a co-author of “DRI Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Compendium – Wisconsin Chapter.” She is the author of many articles and publications for Wisconsin Defense Counsel, on topics including “Pay and Walk” clauses and the anonymous designation of plaintiffs in litigation.
Sally graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Madison with Academic Honors and received her Juris Doctor from Marquette Law School. She is a member of National Association of Subrogation Professional (NASP), The Claims and Litigation Management Alliance (CLM) and is a long-time member of the Wisconsin Defense Counsel (WDC) and the Defense Research Institute (DRI). In 2009, Sally was selected as a Fellow with the Litigation Counsel of America trial lawyer honorary society, where she is currently a Senior Fellow.
Sarah “Sally” Fry Bruch was born in Worms, Germany and was raised in Germany, England, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and (mostly) Wisconsin. In her free time, Sally enjoys reading, spending time with her husband, Greg, and visiting their adult children Ruthanne (Tim), George, and David around the U.S. She is an avid gardener and has cultivated numerous gardens with native plants and perennials to support pollinators and birds, as well as home-grown vegetables. Sally believes in giving back to the community, serving on the board of directors the past six years for Prevent Blindness Wisconsin, a non-profit providing free vision screening for school-age children and seniors.